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The Children’s’ Christmas Workshop - 2019

The tradition continues: For 41 years, the Northville Historical Society has sponsored the Children’s’ Christmas Workshop (the CCW) where each year 150 children from grades 1 through 6 make 7 traditional gifts, which are wrapped and labeled for the friend or family member of their choice. It is run by the Stockhausen family, their crew of friends, and members of the Mill Race Historical Village Stone Gang - about 50 adults in all. The New School Church is the where the workshop is held every first Saturday in December. Each of two sessions of 75 children start out with an explanation that only traditional materials are used – wire, wood, sheet tin, material, organic foodstuffs, etc. - things found around the farm where the majority of the population resided more than 100 years ago. Attendees now include children of the children that attended when it started. This year one of the items was a bubble wand that was demonstrated from the church balcony to the children down below. All the children cheered and clapped at the huge bubbles that came drifting down on them.



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The Northville Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization responsible for the financing and operation of Mill Race Village and preservation of Northville history and the Northville  Historical  Archives.

(248) 348-1845

215 Griswold St

Northville MI 48167

Copyright © 2024 Northville Historical Society and Mill Race Village.

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