Mill Race Village is closed for the Lane Project.
(Note: Phones are not working.)
Staff works Tuesday - Friday, 9 am-1pm
More than 50 Years of Preserving Northville's History
Mission Statement:
It is the Mission of the Northville Historical Society to preserve and advance through education the knowledge of the history of Northville.
Vision Statement:
It is the vision of the Northville Historical Society to remain the historic heart of Northville through stewardship of the buildings, artifacts, and grounds of Mill Race Historical
Village for generations to come.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
The Northville Historical Society is committed to the principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We welcome everyone, no matter their race, gender, religion, sexual identity, physical ability, nationality, or economic status. History shows us that without commitment to these fundamental principles, we lose precious values and important voices. We work to ensure that our programs, events, hiring and governance practices are geared toward diversity, equity and inclusion, thereby creating an organization that invites all voices to be a part of our shared legacy.