Office and Archives Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 am-1pm
Over 50 Years of Preserving Northville History
Archives and Research
The archives are open Tuesday through Friday from 9-1. We have one archivist on staff and several volunteers are on hand to help you to find the information you are seeking. While an appointment is not necessary, it's always appreciated.
All Fees
The Northville Historical Society is not supported by tax dollars. Therefore, we must make every attempt to be self-supporting and we hope that all visitors understand this is why we must charge fees in the Archives. As always, donations above and beyond the required charges are truly appreciated.
Self-conducted research - $10 per visit to the archives for non-members. Members are free. We would be happy to assist a non-member in obtaining a membership
Research conducted by the Archivist and/or Volunteers: $24.00 per hour (estimates can be given before research begins)
Copies: $.25 for black and white. $1.00 for color (currently unavailable)
Photographs: $10 per image for an individual’s personal collection and use. $50 per image for commercial use: this includes, but is not limited to, display in businesses for decorative purposes and publication in professional materials
Our genealogical research capabilities are excellent and we have professional genealogists on staff. We can do family research for you at our hourly rate listed above, with estimates provided prior to research. The ancestral information being requested does NOT need to be Northville related. We have access to many sources outside of our on-site archives. We have had several successes in being able to locate information the requester could not previously find.
Reference materials
This list reflects some of our more requested materials but is not comprehensive. Please email if you are looking for an item not listed.
Northville City Directories: 1895, 1927-35, ‘46, ’56, ‘58, ‘60, ‘68, ’70, ’75-’79, 2006-09
Publications by Northville area residents
Early Northville - by Laura Smyth Hixson
Northville: the First Hundred Years - by Jack W. Hoffman
Northville, Michigan - by Barbara G. Louie
Northville High School: A History
Northville Postcard Album - by Francis P. Gazlay
Step By Step Through Northville: Four Walking Tours - by Barbara G. Louie and Diane Rockall
This is Dr. Atchison - by Bill Sliger
Cemetery Records
Knapp, Oakwood, Rural Hill, Thayer, Waterford, Yerkes
Historical and current
The Northville Record and other newspapers
Donor Boxes from Historic Northville Residents
Pictures, photographs, advertising, memorabelia
Family histories
Records from Northville Businesses
Oral history project: Audio tapes and transcriptions of interviews of over 90 Northville citizens
Additional Resources
Genealogy files by last name
Files for Northville homes by address
School Yearbooks and miscellaneous school records and photos
Information on past Northville events
Information on Northville Social Clubs and other groups
Tax records (not all years and locations) as well as some city government records
Census Records
Old Newspapers
Rules for Use of Archives and Materials
You will be asked to sign-in and pay the $10 research fee, if you are not a Northville Historical Society member. Please note: the research fee is for independent research. The Archivist Volunteers will be happy to direct you to the desired materials. However, if it becomes apparent that the staff’s time is actually being used to do the research, the $24 per hour research fee will be put into place.
We do have a copier and a scanner available for use at stated fees. Archives staff will assist you with this equipment at no charge for their time. If you will be in need of putting items on a USB drive, or any other external storage, please bring these items with you. All items moved on to storage will be charged at all of the rates listed under “fees” above.
No food or beverages are permitted in the Archives.
Only pencils are allowed.
Materials may leave the Archives under very specific circumstances and must have the approval of the Archivist. Example: an oversize map for which we do not have the ability to make a copy. The patron would be allowed to check this item out in order to take it to a facility which can do so. A photo ID from the patron will be required, as well as a credit card number in case the item is damaged or not returned.
Please cite original material in publications: “From the Archives of the Northville Historical Society”.
Researchers are responsible for securing permission to publish, and for abiding by copyright laws and literary property rights.
Theft or mutilation of Archives materials is a crime that will be prosecuted. These rules are to ensure the protection and conservation of our materials.