Office and Archives Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 am-1pm
Over 50 Years of Preserving Northville History
Donation Types
Memorial or Honorarium Gift
Give a gift to the Northville Historical Society in memory of someone or in honor of someone. Please add details in the 'comments' field. If you would like us to send a letter to to notify family of your donation, please also provide their full name and address.
Endowment Fund
The Northville Historical Society provides an Endowment Fund for those wishing to make a lasting gift to help preserve the heritage and history of Northville. Please consider us when making a bequest through your will, or a memorial donation as a lasting tribute to a friend or relative.
A general donation to the Northville Historical Society goes into our general fund to support the operation of Mill Race Village and the society.
Pay by Check
Please make check out to: Northville Historical Society
Mail to:
Northville Historical Society
215 Griswold St., Northville, MI 48167-1664