Office and Archives Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 am-1pm
Over 50 Years of Preserving Northville History

See also our Photography Frequently Asked Questions!
Photography Policy
The Northville Historical Society, the non-profit volunteer organization that operates and finances the Village, has instituted this policy because of overuse and abuse of the Village in the past. This policy requires that professional photographers or videographers who wish to take photos or videos on the grounds of Mill Race Village complete and sign a contract and pay a yearly fee of $375 or a one-day fee of $125 for non-Northville Historical Society Members, or $100 for members. Complete applications should be submitted at least one week in advance before the requested photography session can take place. Please make note of our limited office hours.
The Village will continue to be closed to the public during weddings held at Mill Race. In addition, professional photographers/videographers are not permitted to shoot on the Village grounds on Sundays, between 1:00pm - 4:00pm when the Village is open to the public, or during any other Historical Society special public event.
After signing the contract and paying the fee, you will be sent a MRV Photographers Badge that must be worn and displayed whenever you are on the grounds of the Village shooting photographs. The online calendar lists the weddings and events that close the Village for the current year. This is regularly updated. In addition, we will also give your contact information to parties renting the Village for weddings and we list your contact information on our website under "Permitted photographers".
IMPORTANT: Please do not make any payments until you have been approved for a date and time by the office and have submitted a complete application.

Professional Photographer/Videographer Policy
Full Year Permits:
Professional photographers and videographers must sign a yearly contract and pay a yearly fee in order to take photos or videos at Mill Race Village. This applies to all Photographers/Videographers who charge a fee, use our image for marketing purposes or sell their images in any way, or anyone with equipment other than just a camera (umbrella, props, etc.). The fee is $375 per year, payable at time of application, and renewable each January. If the contract is signed after August 31 in any calendar year, the fee for the remainder of that calendar year is $250. The photography permit fee is non-refundable. The permit must be applied for and payment made prior to any photography sessions. The Permit Badge must be worn at all times when on the premises. If the Permit Badge is lost, there is a $50 replacement fee. Photographers and their clients will be asked to leave the grounds if they do not have a permit. City of Northville Police will be called if necessary.
Professional Photographers/Videographers who sign the contract and pay the fee will receive a listing on our grounds and website as a photographer with a permit to aid those interested in having professional photographs on the Village grounds.
One-Day Permits:
A one-day Photography Pass is also available for a fee of $125 for non-Northville Historical Society members and $100 for members. Membership is open to all, you do not need to be resident of Northville to join and support the Village! Arrangements should be made at least one week in advance of the session with the Historical Society Office. A completed contract and payment of the one-day permit fee must be complete in order to take photos or videos at Mill Race Village. A one-day pass will be issued and must be worn when on the grounds during the photo shoot.
Photography Policy & Application
A policy for Professional Photographers and Videographers has been developed at Historic Mill Race Village in Northville. You are able to download the application to fill out and return with the payment (PDF). Complete applications must be received at least one week in advance.
Click To Download
This policy does not apply to individuals who are taking photos for their personal use and who do not sell the images in any format or use the images for marketing purposes. (ie: websites, FB, Instagram, etc.)
Professional Photographers/Videographers are not allowed on the grounds for filming or taking photographs when the Village is open on Sundays from 1:00 - 4:00pm, or when open for any other special event, such as weddings, etc.
No one may walk through the gardens or climb on trees. No one may move furniture, climb on balconies, sit on porch railings or windowsills, or otherwise disrespect the buildings. This is a historical site and its historical value must be protected.
No pictures or videos may be taken inside any buildings. All booked wedding parties and their photographers may take pictures inside the Church.
Professional photographers may not set up tables, signs or other equipment in efforts to solicit business from clients while on the grounds of Mill Race Village.
Professional Photographers/Videographers must conduct themselves in an orderly manner, in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and rules. The Professional Photographer/ Videographers assume full responsibility for the conduct of all persons in attendance with them and for any damage to any part of the Village. If members of a photography party are deemed boisterous or unruly, they will be asked to leave the grounds.
Professional Videographers, or any corporation, who wish to film video in Mill Race Village for profit must make arrangements in advance, sign a contract and pay a $375 fee per filming event. Student videographers (with a valid school ID) who are filming for a school project, and any amateur videographers who are filming for personal use, must make arrangements in advance. There is no charge for student/amateur videographers.
Any personal property brought onto the premises shall be at the sole risk of the Professional Photographer/ Videographer and the Northville Historical Society shall not be liable for any loss or damage for any reason.
Alcohol is not permitted on the grounds. Candles/open flames are not allowed on the grounds. All vehicles must park in the lot. The dirt lane is a fire lane and must be kept clear. Driving on the lawn is not permitted.
Photographers/Videographers hired by parties who have entered into a written contract with Mill Race Village (such as for a wedding held at Mill Race Village) are exempt from this policy.

Commercial Photographers with 2023 Permits