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Sponsor a Special Duck in the 2109 Annual Northville Duck Race

This year the 31st Annual Northville Duck Race will be held on Sunday September 15 in Mill Race Village. Duck sales begin at 11 am on the day outside the General Store in Mill Race Village, and the race itself begins with a ceremony at the Gazebo at around 3 pm. This event is one of the highlights of the Northville community year. In addition to being entertaining, and a focus of activity for the weekend, the race also raises a modest amount of money that goes toward the upkeep of Mill Race Village, and funding further events in the community.


The Duck Race comes at the end of a full day of historical activities at the Village including children’s crafts, a cake walk, Victorian children’s games, a Victorian tea, tours of our historic buildings and many other family games and activities. The Duck Race itself typically attracts upward of 500 people from Northville and the surrounding areas, and far more than that visit the village during the weekend. We are hoping to grow this event, and this year, with the enthusiastic support of the Heritage Festival organizers, we are sure that more people than ever will be drawn to the activities.


This year for the first time,  we are offering local businesses an opportunity to participate in this wonderfully quirky community event in a way that adds to our resources, and also adds to the fun. In addition to our ‘standard racing ducks’ we are planning to add, special ducks to the race. Although these won’t be eligible to win prizes (which are exciting gift bags of rubber duck swag!), we will make sure that they receive a lot of attention by our in-the-river Duck Wranglers, and each company who contributes a Special Duck will also receive mention in our advertising materials, on social media and on our website.

Special Ducks

We have special ducks at different sponsorship levels:

  • 2" Special Duck Families (x 4 ducks) for $25

  • 4" Character special ducks for $50

  • 4” 'Celebrity' special ducks for $75 

  • 7-8” Large special ducks for $100

  • 15" Huge Special Duck with company logo for $200


We will keep adding as many different ducks as possible to give you a wide choice. Obviously the 6” ducks will make more of a splash than the 4” ducks, but the more ducks on the river, the merrier! 


Look at the available Special Ducks below. make your choice. Use the form to sponsor your Special Duck. If you have any questions, contact the Duck Lady or add a comment to your sponsorship order. 

Doctor Duck


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The Northville Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization responsible for the financing and operation of Mill Race Village and preservation of Northville history and the Northville  Historical  Archives.

(248) 348-1845

215 Griswold St

Northville MI 48167

Copyright © 2024 Northville Historical Society and Mill Race Village.

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